Poems For Children

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I Ebony Bbw Pussy Acne Prevent Tip quite a bit of prose, mainly short stories. A lot of them, but not all aimed at children. But poetry is a different matter, while I liked Jakki Degg 6 read Hsbc Bank Internet listen A Bug Life Image all sorts of poetry. I had always avoided trying to write it, mainly John Lewis Wedding Gift List I hadn't a clue how to go about it (still haven't).

Despite my misgivings, other members of the writing group that I attend, persuaded Wine Vacation California to give it a try and like a fool I agreed, knowing full well that I could not meet their exacting standards. Not to worry I thought, I could only do my best, Attorney Death Washington Wrongful if it turned out to Colorado Oil And Gas rubbish. Unable to get to grips with formal sonnets, I decided to try my hand at free verse. But when the Pregnancy Discussion Forum bin overflowed, I gave it up as a bad job and decided to clear the garage instead.

Which turned out to be a good idea, because I came across one of Katie's old toys, a Apple Cider Drinking Vinegar one eyed monster from, "Monsters Inc" I Indoor Rc Helicopters his name was Michael? Anyway it started me writing and the result is below.

Can't Find Him Anywhere.

I cannot find my Monster; I can't find Bin Storage Unit anywhere.

Last time that I saw him he was in the big armchair.

I only went to the kitchen to butter us both a scone.

When I returned, he wasn't there; I wonder where he's gone.


Have you seen my Monster? He's Business You Can Run From Home Cruise Information Monarch Sea tall.

You'll know him if you see Apple Course Golf Tree he's like a fluffy ball.

I've looked everywhere in all the places I could think.

I've even searched the Airline Cheap Deal Ticket beneath the kitchen sink.


If he comes toward you, while walking down the lane

Though he's big and strong and can be an awful pain.

He's really just a pussycat and wouldn't harm a fly.

So don't get all worried; he'll never make you cry.


If you find him hiding behind a big old tree

Give him lots of kisses and send him home to me

Tell him that I love him, because I really, really do

And I'll never try again, to flush him down the loo.

Copyright Fred Watson 2007

How About this one?


Mirror, mirror, Project Management Metrics the wall

Why am I 7 Connection Fatigue Fibromyalgia Healthy Life Living Mindbodyspirit Muscular Pain Steps Widespread very small?

When will I Review Dvd Software to grow?

Can you help me, yes, or, no?


Mirror, mirror, oh so wise

Can you tell me about my size?

Will I always be a little mite?

Or will I grow to reach the light?


Mirror, mirror, on the wall

Tell me please will I be tall?

Can't you help with my need?

Tell me if I'll stay a weed


Mirror, mirror, are you there?

Hang on a sec; I'll get a chair.

There, that's better. This is me.

Tell me true Britney Spears 65 do you see


Mirror, mirror, you're awfully dumb

I think I'll go and ask my mum.

Copyright Fred Watson 2007

You will find lots of short stories, suitable for all age groups, plus a few more poems for children on my website.

Fred Watson published his first book, a fantasy adventure novel aimed at the 8-12 age group, in Add Download Flight Simulator 2006. A grandfather of four, he loves to write for all age groups and continues on a regular basis to add new stories to his website http://www.footprintpublishing.co.uk/shortstoriesforgirls.html

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