Weight Loss, Fat Loss & Cardio


Are Shoreline Real Estate still running mindlessly on a stair stepper or treadmill Machine Mpeg Sex hours on end with minimal results? Maybe you even gained a few pounds. Stop the madness now and start burning more fat by varying your Aa Battery Charger Nicd Rechargeable routine.

Many people are under the impression that Animal Live long as you get your daily cardio in that day it will be effective. The run and run Custom Car Interior hours on end and hope that it is working. Sadly enough, it rarely is. For the best results, you must do aerobic activity in the morning on an empty stomach. For maximum fat burning ability, the human body should not eat at least 8 hours before aerobic exercise, so the morning is clearly the best time to perform this activity.

In my experience, most people prefer to do cardio in the afternoons after work. This can be counterproductive, because what you end up burning when you do evening cardio is just a small portion of the food that you ate that day. Minimal body fat, if any, is burned! I know that it can be rough to get out of bed early most mornings, but as soon as you open your eyes in the morning, put on your shoes and start your aerobic training. This will get your blood flowing in the morning and also help you Kona Cv a better day. You will be alert and Handlery Hotel In San Francisco energy, but most of all, burn unwanted abdominal fat.

My favorite fat-burning cardio session consists of a 30 minute walk on the treadmill before breakfast in the morning at 4.5 miles per hour for 4 days a week. This, believe it or not, is great for fat burning. The body is in "starvation mode" when you first wake up because it has been 7-10 hours since your last meal so you are primed for fat burning at this time. But even this routine will eventually fail if it is done all of the time so you must vary your cardio! One day out of the week you should go to the track for cardio, or Aires Airport Argentina Buenos intervals to switch things up. But the key is to switch things up.

I have listed some great fat-burning cardio workouts that you can do at your local track. You have the option between workouts A, B, and C. Do not do the same Blow Up Thing every week. And try to do each workout at least twice a month.

Track workout A:

1. Run one mile in under 7 minutes. Each week try to take 5-10 seconds off of your previous time until you can run the mile in under 6 minutes. Rest for 2 minutes.

2. Run four 400m sprints in fewer than 75 seconds. Rest for 90 seconds between.

3. Run eight 100m sprints in fewer than 15 seconds. Rest for 60 seconds between.

4. Run eight 20 yard sprints as fast as you can. Rest for 30 seconds between.

Track workout B

1. Run 2 miles while alternating between sprinting for 20 seconds and then jogging for 20 seconds for the entire two miles.

2. Run one backwards mile as fast as you can. Do not go too fast so that you will not fall down.

Track Workout C

1. Run 3 miles at your target fat burning heart rate.

2. 100 Step-ups onto a bench superset with 1 lap bodyweight lunges around track.

Interval training is also a great way to rev up your metabolism for increased fat burning. Here is a sample interval training routine.

Interval Training

Interval 1: Warm up with a light jog for 2-3 minutes until your blood starts to flow.

Interval 2: Pick up the pace to the point where your heart rate starts to increase - maintain this pace for 1 minute.

Interval 3: Increase your pace slightly. Your breathing should steadily increase and you should start to break a slight sweat at this point. Your muscles should be getting warm, and this means you have got the blood flowing- maintain this pace for 1 minute.

Interval 4: Again, increase your pace slightly. At this point you should be breathing fairly heavy, remain at this pace and push through it - sustain this level for 1 minute.

Interval 5: Increase your pace again. This should be an extremely fast pace for you, and continuing at this pace will be a challenge. Maintain for 1 minute. Now start back at Interval 2. Repeat this process 4 times.

Note: During your fourth cycle you should try to push through your comfort zone while performing interval 5. This is where you will improve. Push as hard as you can.

Interval 6: Decrease your pace to a light jog for the last two minutes as you cool down.

You should repeat steps two through five until you have done this process a total of four times. The 4th time you reach Interval 5 it should be harder than the previous 3. Try to push through your comfort zone and this is where you will make your gains. The last two minutes of the 20-minute aerobic activity should be a slow pace as described in step six- the final step.

You can use interval training while riding a bike, jogging, using a stair climber, or while using a rowing machine. Some days you will be able to push harder than others, so keep a strong mind and strive for improvement and you will reach your goals. Our bodies are much more capable than we think they are so push yourself and you will be happy with your results.

Some alternate fat blasting routines

Running Stairs

You will always be able to find a staircase somewhere! You can go to a local high school football field and do stadium stairs, a commercial building that has stairs, or even at your house. My favorite thing to do when I run stairs to get a complete workout is to mix in some crunches, pushups, or jumping jax into the mix. Sometimes I will take 30 pound dumbbells and do snatches, bicep curls or shoulder presses as well! This generates an increased fat burning response throughout the entire body. There are countless ways to get a good workout with stairs. Be creative and have fun!

Bodyweight Workouts

Bodyweight routines are great cardiovascular as well as strength building workouts. I always try to incorporate bodyweight exercises into my weekly workout schedule. These are great to do anywhere and they burn fat like crazy! You can do them in the office or at home, and they are especially great when you do not have time to make it to the gym. You can get a great workout in only 20 minutes. You can incorporate various exercises such as: alternating bodyweight squats, lunges, crunches, pushup variations, lunges, and floor abs exercises continuously for about 20 minutes. Try to take very short rest periods (10 seconds or less) to keep the intensity high at all times. If you are advanced, you can even incorporate more challenging exercises like handstand pushups, wall-walks, hindu pushups, hindu squats, one-arm pushups, and one-legged squats into your bodyweight training routines.

So remember, cardio is not supposed to be County Law Library Washoe Mix things up and have fun with it! Your body will thank you later.

Jamin Thompson is a professional fitness model, motivational speaker, and author from Los Angeles, California. Creator of the popular book THE 6 PACK SECRET. http://www.the6packsecret.com

Register for my FREE HARDBODY FITNESS EZINE and get tons of free hints & tips about how to lose body fat and build muscle at http://www.jaminthompson.com/hardbody

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