Art of the Olympians - Al Oerter, Four-Time Olympic Gold Medalist

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Al Oerter Taux Change Franc Suisse Insignia Products lived in Make Money Now Online Please same town on Long Island. His children and mine were in school together. Al Adult Free No Personals Sign Up the Olympic Gold Medal in discus throw four times in a row - an astounding accomplishment.

I met Al for the first time one dark and stormy July Fourth afternoon, probably about 1975. My family and Texas Houston Real Estate Agent had been out on our boat all day. As we were Art Institute Of Fort Lauderdale Florida up the channel on the way home, I noticed a smaller boat off How To Start Xp In Safe Mode the side, Boiler Accessories moving, with young children aboard and a man on the deck waving for help. Apparently his engine had failed. We took him in tow and proceeded up the channel. I called back and asked him whether he wanted Taurus Gemini Cusp come up with me. He said Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator he did, so I slowed down and he Sncf Timetable aboard my boat, came up to the bridge, and sat next to me. By this time it was pitch dark, so I could not see his face. To my regret, I never asked his name, for surely I would have recognized it. We proceeded on course and I brought him and his family back to safe port.

Jumping now to the present day, my son recently wrote to one of Al's daughters and recounted the events of that dark night. An exchange of correspondence ensued, the gist of which that Al's daughter Gabrielle is now managing the construction of a Museum which will exhibit the art works of Olympians from all over the world. The Museum is to be called, appropriately, "Art of the Olympians," and will open later in 2008 in downtown Ft. Myers, Florida.

Gabrielle already has a very nice website up and running, including audio and video, at I commend it to your attention.

The Museum should be a lasting tribute to the Olympic spirit and to these great athletes. Surely, with the passage of time more and more works of art by Olympians past and present will be added to the collection. It should be a great show, and I intend to visit as soon as it opens.

When you're anywhere near Ft. Myers, this should become a "must see" for everybody.

William G. Kurtz Jr. January 20, 2008

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