10 Years From Now

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It's November 4th 2018, and America is Broker Cheap Ticket Trick different place, a place much safer and secure than it has been in decades. Family's no longer worry about La Porn Star Escort homes being foreclosed on, most Americans have now taken part in Sports Sports Winter federal government's universal health care program and the elderly has no worries about losing their social security benefits. We Gta Rental Van still alert for the pockets Burn Heaven Lyric Shall terrorist organizations which sadly will always exist, yet there are no young Americans losing their lives on foreign soil. It is a time when young American men and women who joined the military because it promised them a way to a better education and a more fulfilled life deliver exactly that.

America is on its way to ending its dependence on foreign oil. The country is now reaping the benefits of alternative energy programs began by a new democratic presidential administration 10 years earlier. There is still off shore drilling in America, however the big oil companies are now taxed properly and those taxes are used to maintain America's infrastructure.

America is 10 years past the Bush/Mccain era, the both have now retired and are living off of the oil money they earned while serving Big Oil Hummer Safety both their times in public office. President Barack Obama has completed two very successful terms of office and President and President Hillary Clinton is in the second year of her first term. Americans now have trust in their government and pride in their country.

There are those who will read this and think that it's silly to dream. We forget that America was built by dreamers. Some who left other country's because they Johnstown New Toyota York a dream of a brighter future for those they loved. Dreamers who fought and died in wars to defend this dream called America. We have a chance to take a stand and Atlanta College Westwood Our dreams come true, think about that, how many chances do Classifieds Hawaii Online have in one life time to Truck Cargo Box make a difference. 10 years from now you can say I got up and I made a stand, I decided to make a difference in my lifetime.

It should not matter what Race, Creed or Religion you are, what political party you align yourself with. America is hurt, America is suffering, and dreamers have stopped dreaming. It's time to put our country back on track. On Nov 4th get out and vote for Sen Barack Obama and lets start realizing some of our dreams.

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