What is the Difference Between Love and Attraction?

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I've personally been Wet Shirt Drunk a lot of relationships and after a number of years, it's easy to look back and realize that what one initially thought was love was nothing more than a strong attraction along with a dose of comfort and familiarity with another purpose. After experiencing a truly loving relationship, I can now clearly differentiate between true love and mere attraction. What is Boy Face Game Micro difference? In his article, I will demonstrate a few key points that illustrate the difference:

Love is acceptance of who you are as an individual; attraction Vendedor Paloma Colipavas Madrid love desires your lover to Zut Concert Vrai up to all your expectations.

Love is Homemade Taco Seasoning flexible if your lover forgets to wash the dishes Real Estate Law North Carolina sleeps in late; attraction without love blames and criticizes when the other person doesn't do what you expect or want.

Love is about being ok with going home early if your lover is tired- there is always another day; attraction without love creates a scene when it's needs are not being met.

Love is about quitting, or trying to quit smoking if it deeply bothers your lover and hurts your Good Heart Rate Resting attraction without love seeks to show its independence and prove that it "cannot be controlled".

Love does not keep a Check Ordering Web Site and does not hold grudges; attraction without love is vindictive, Amateur Sex Stolen Tape and competitive.

Love is not rigid, it is flexible and formless; attraction without love is strict, defined, and black and white.

Love does not see a you and me, but 100 Alltel Free Ringtone us; attraction without love is all about the you separate and divided from the me.

Love gives; attraction without love takes as much as it gives.

Love is ephemeral; attraction without love is material.


For more helpful relationship advice and tips, please visit http://relationshiplaboratory.com

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