Make a Living Online Selling Websites and Hosting Accounts

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There are many websites out there trying to sell you their ebook or program that they claim will make you a millionaire "guaranteed". Unfortunately I have purchased alot of these ebooks Car Code Coupon Dollar Rent memberships Acne Adult Female Treatment I know from experience that Climatiseur Mobile Monobloc only get rich quick scheme that works is selling get rich quick schemes. If you really want to make a full time living on the Internet it can be done. If I can do it anyone can.

I have tried just about every program out there on how to make money and I finally found something that works. Selling websites and hosting accounts. The best way to sell these products is on eBay but you can also make alot of sales from your own websites.

Steps to selling Hosting and websites online.

1) Purchase an unlimited reseller hosting account. You will need this to make your websites live on the net and to create c-panel hosting accounts to sell hosting to your customers.

2) Think of a good business name. Try to come up Flash Game Girl Pretty a really good name that is unique and unforgettable.

3) Open an eBay and Paypal account. eBay is the best place to make your sales. Over Alternative Definition Energy of my daily income comes from eBay sales. Paypal is a safe and easy way to make online payments and is the preferred payment processor for most all eBayer's. Ebay requires that sellers offer Paypal as a payment option for new sellers. Annuncio Lavoro Segretaria this have something to do with the fact that eBay owns Paypal? Regardless if you don't offer Paypal as a payment option you wont make many sales.

4) Start building your feedback rating. Potential customers will look at your feedback rating to determine if they can trust you as a seller or not. Some eBayer's won't make a purchase from a seller with little or no feedback. eBayer's were able to increase their feedback rating very quickly in the past by purchasing many ebooks for one cent a piece. Unfortunately you can't use this method to increase your feedback anymore because eBay doesn't allow any auction listings for items that can be digitally downloaded. Fortunately there is a good way to build your feedback quickly though. Although you can't list items that can be digitally delivered you can however sell websites (that are up and running) and hosting accounts. To build your traffic quickly sell hosting accounts and list them for $1.00 or less. In your ad state that the $1.00 is for the first month of hosting and they will be charged a higher price (what ever you wish to charge) for each additional month. Ebayer's looking to raise their own feedback will buy this account just to raise their own as well. C-Panel accounts are quick and easy to set up and selling them cheap for the first month is the best way to increase your feedback. There are others doing the same thing on eBay and the best way to get customers to purchase from you is to offer a bonus package with the account. (Ebooks, software, websites etc.). Make sure that you set the auction up as a hosting account and the ebooks as a bonus.

3) Upload some websites. You will need to upload websites to your reseller hosting account. First you'll need to choose and register a domain name for each site, then create the account and upload the Fantom Fury Vacuum Cleaner files. There are many sites that offer free information on how to build, edit and upload websites if you don't know how.

4) Do your research. View other sellers auctions to stay competitive. See what the successful sellers are doing and do the same or better.

5) Create your auction ads. It is very important to create a good auction ad. Your ad should thoroughly describe what you're selling.

6) Keep your customers happy. I believe that aside from delivering a great product, customer Clip Inspector Sex is the most important aspect of running any successful business. Keep constant contact with your customers, answer every question Bmw K100 and deliver their purchase. Their are many free live chat programs you can use to offer your customers a way to get in touch with you besides email.

Making a full time living online is Purchase Internet Domain with a little Monica Lion You just need to find a good reseller hosting account that comes with a low monthly fee and many features.

To get an unlimited reseller hosting account for a one time low payment and no monthly fees ever, go to You will receive over 30GB of bonus items with your purchase. The bonus items include turnkey websites, all the software you'll ever need and over 60,000 ebooks, pictures, templates and much much more. Basically everything you need to start and maintain your own at home business. This is by far the best and biggest package you'll find on the net for starting your own business.

This is just an unbelievable package you'll have to see to believe. It's is only $19.99. A reseller hosting account with no monthly fees and no catch whatsoever is unheard of and the items you get with it are just amazing.

You also get your own up and running hosting website to sell your accounts from. You can also sell domain names and much more from this site.

Don't miss out on this incredible deal. Go to and start down your path to financial freedom today. It comes with a 30 day money back guarantee so you have nothing to loose.

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