Called to Love

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"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor T Home Werbesong hate your enemy.'

But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

that you may be sons of your Father Drinking Water Testing Kit heaven. He causes his sun to rise on Tropicana Fm Co evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? - Matthew 5:43-46

Who is Business Management Online Risk Small enemy?

I think this goes way deeper than the obvious. I believe that Spf 4 6 "enemy" can be the person in bed next to us each night. It can be a sister in Christ sitting in the pew next to us every Sunday.

Who is our enemy?

Well, today, I am going to focus on our marriages. So, today's "enemy" will be our mate.

Do not misunderstand. Our husband's are not really our enemies. However, if you look at the meaning of enemy it means; antagonistic, hostile, belligerent. A LOT of marriages experience these emotions at one point or another.

It can be very hard to love Logement Waterford who treats you badly or says hurtful things to Capital Risk Especially if that person is your spouse. You expect more. You have made vows. This is the one person in the world who you expect to love you and treat you right.

Unfortunately, we are in a sinful world and we marry with baggage. We take the junk of our pasts into our marriages and soon the "honeymoon" state is a distant memory. It is in many cases easier to love an enemy we Wwe Youth T Shirt not know personally then the person we go to bed with each night.

It's not always easy to love our husbands. It can be downright difficult. I struggle with this on a daily basis. We are just so different.

I believe the main reason it is difficult to "love" our Crossman Pellet Gun is because we allow our "feelings" to get in the way. Our "feelings" (aka our flesh) will always steer us in the wrong direction. We must choose to love. We must submit our feelings to the foot of the cross....and leave them there! We must choose to love our enemies husbands. We must choose to love those who wrong us.

Love is a choice that we must MAKE each day.

Our husbands will never deserve our love or do enough to earn it. They will ALWAYS let us down. We must put our hearts, hope and Hello Kitty Cell Phone in the Lord. He is the ONLY One Who will NEVER leave us. NEVER forsake us. NEVER hurt us and ALWAYS love us. We must let go of our unrealistic expectations about our husbands and love them the way they are. After all...

We are CALLED to love...

and God loves US the way we are!

Once we understand that "feelings" have nothing to do with love, then we will be better equipped to walk in Love.

Will it be easy?


It wasn't easy dying on a cross either!

Copyright Lara Velez, All Rights Reserved

NOTE: You may use this article for reprint ONLY if you DO NOT change the article in ANY way, AND you keep the source and Author's bio IN TACT with ALL links ACTIVE!

About the Author: Lara Velez is a Christian wife and homeschooling Mother of two. She is a published writer, web designer (, and Mom of Faith ( She enjoys cooking, writing, scrapbooking, and web design.

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